Wave supports World Blood Cancer Day 2021

28 May 2021

Wear it red for world blood cancer day

Every 27 seconds someone around the world is diagnosed with a type of blood cancer.

Blood cancer is a term used to describe many different types of cancer that affect your blood, bone marrow and lymphatic system. Leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma are the most common types of blood cancer.

Friday 28th May 2021 is World Blood Cancer Day. To show our support, the Wave team are wearing red for the day. Even the Wave pets took part!  Wave has a long history of working in oncology and has considerable expertise in this therapy area.  We are passionate about supporting our clients to ensure that more patients receive the treatments they need. 

To find out more about the various types of blood cancer and World Blood Cancer Day, please visit the DKMS UK website at https://www.dkms.org.uk/get-involved/stories/world-blood-cancer-day-2021

Wave is a global healthcare communications agency. We combine scientific, medical and brand expertise to deliver clinically focussed programmes which are trusted by HCPs and drive better patient outcomes. To find out more about us, click here
